Capturing a jerky wasp in post production

Video thumbnail for a video demonstrating us removing shake from a clip, compiled and edited by Serious Content, London
Video thumbnail for a video demonstrating us removing shake from a clip, compiled and edited by Serious Content, London

Wasp on a hot saddle!

I tested a new ND filter set on Saturday when we had some really nice hot sun. A white saddle in direct sunlight was ideal to test the filters but a little wasp decided to join me so I quickly tried to film the chap.

The result of course was rather jerky footage but I was able to fix that in post and zoom in to the wasp a little. It’s hardly National Geographic but it does show what you can rescue with a little patience.

Why on the other hand Fizik made a white saddle for CX I will never know, nor why I bought it in that colour. Cleaning it is way tougher in reality than fixing in post.

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