Video Production and Editing
The Creative Power Behind Effective Video Marketing For Business

Post Production Services
This Video Works offers scriptwriting, filming and video production firstly but also offer other services including building database driven websites, YouTube channels and video galleries, all of which have enormous value in terms of SEO generally, but particularly videoSEO.
I had my own large post production studio in Birmingham’s iconic Custard Factory, and as well as video editing facilities I had a dedicated area for filming talking head interviews and voice over recording. I live near Worcester and it was easy to reach and far cheaper for studios than Hoxton where I was then based.
The shot is from just outside the Custard Factory, there’s not much point showing a studio I don’t have but I think this gives a flavour of the place. It was a great environment, dynamic and creative and the plan is to return to having a larger production facility again, but for now working with colleagues remotely while we each have excellent home studios is working very well.
I work primarily in DaVinci Resolve but also Adobe (Premier Pro, After Effects, Audition and Captivate) plus Final Cut Pro. I can adjust and edit scripts to match footage and have voice coach and voice over artists and actors available when required.
I also create motion graphics and cinemagraphs for my own videos and other video marketing companies. You can see some of my latest work on my blog.
For larger studio filming I am still recommending studios I can hire by the day in West and East London depending on requirements. Outside of London, I can locate and manage studio hire as close and convenient to you as possible. We also have a brilliant one locally in Worcester with full broadcast facilities.
Post Production Services for other companies
I also edit and offer post production for other companies and video makers, including motion graphics, and always at an affordable level whatever your needs.
I have started to help other videographers with editing issues including de-hissing audio from DSLR, adding and syncing additional audio from iPhones to video clips, and removing flicker from clips because frame rate was not set to match lighting. The latter can be quite a job but the end result also very pleasing, especially when you save an international location shot from having to be redone, saving thousands.
I also work with user-generated content, editing it to clean audio and remove shake and banding as necessary.
Schema and video SEO Services for clients and other companies
I am also able to provide Schema (rich snippets) for video including ones I’ve not produced and to create closed captions and transcripts. This can be supported with traditional video SEO dependant on the website it is intended for.
I can also add the code to websites, if given permission to access the back end, to ensure your videos get found. I can also provide the super fast and highly secure hosting required for sites with high video content.
My own websites are database driven so all Schema and product and video SEO is written direct to the database and connects easily to search engines, Google provides the fields to write to specifically to cover every aspect of a product and its specification and options.
Web Development and Hosting Services for clients
I am very well resourced to offer web sites and web development for clients to provide very affordable sites to ensure video is loaded fast and with the video SEO and Schema to ensure it is found.
I’m also able to build associated YouTube channels and site based video galleries and add with social media to Google listings to create a powerful and comprehensive presence in search and online.
I have a background in building large e-commerce databases for clients, I used to build and manage large market research databases earlier in my career and took the skills forward into a programming company I ran for 15 years, building large business critical sites for agencies clients, combining video and products.
Because of this I have concentrated on sites which are database driven and with the current changes in search and in personalisation in marketing, these offer huge benefits, plus they are scalable and can grow with any business.
I can also provide very secure, fast and reliable hosting which again is search, mobile and video friendly.
I’m also very used to being subcontracted to do this by agencies on behalf of their clients, and able to provide very good value.