SEO: Switched on Content
It’s a good idea to remember that content that is relevant and useful for people is search engine friendly too.
The Google algorithm is now subtle enough to derive meaning from copy written first and foremost to engage people. Indeed, Google is now intensifying its focus on the quality of written content. It wants to ensure that the websites it offers up adequately answer search queries in terms of relevance and easily accessed, quality information.
As a basic requirement, search engines, as well as website visitors, need to know the nature of your company, the range of what it offers and what is special about it. Keywords sprinkled into nonsensical copy are not the answer to either search engines or humans. Nor is written content that is repetitive, or scraped, or cut and pasted as this will add nothing to your SEO.
Original content in the form of blog posts offer the opportunity to share your expertise and engage with site visitors, as well as potentially providing quality backlinks, increasing your authority, search engine rankings and organic traffic.
Blog posts need to be added regularly and as often as possible as Google favours websites that consistently add fresh, informed content.
When you have good, readable content optimise the copy by considering the focus of the subject matter and pick keywords or buzz terms that you think are relevant. They should be worked seamlessly into the final version so they don’t intrude, and at a modest density. Enough for the search engines, but still aiming for readability. This approach, together with the optimisation of Meta Tags, will really pay off in delivering significant progress in search results.