Coding and Project Management
We can help with project management and procurement of high end coding as part of a wider project. I have run a programming company in the past that came out of filming and research.
I know how tough it can be to find the right people but because of the high investment and risk always required, I don’t want to return to that world.
I got my fingers badly burnt in Brexit with clients having to cancel contracts as their funding was cancelled or redirected into stocking spares and so on.
I have, however, just taken on and completed successfully an integration of 3500 products from a supplier to a client site. This entailed converting and rewriting a massive Magento database into WordPress and adding both product and local SEO within the new db for my client.
It has worked really well but necessitated adding an Amazon S3 server to load the new images direct, rather than from a supplier linked server because of compatibility. We now have 3500 extra products on the site all indexed properly and at the top of local search for each.
So, if stuck, please ask. I may be able to help with advice or project management on smaller, well defined projects or at least help you get the support/supplier you need.