New Demo Site For Manchester Builder

Our first demo has now had written content added to demonstrate how we would approach marketing the site.
New demo site for video and SEO friendly websites from This Video Works

Having produced our first demo website for a construction client to showcase their work and enable them promote their business through video, we produced draft copy geared at driving search, including three construction related blog posts as examples of what was possible. 

We tested the content on a test domain but using the actual business address and two of the blogs were listed by Google within a couple of days, we took them down as not on their live domain and we didn’t want to compete with the actual domain, just show how they could be used. Interestingly as they weren’t relevant to our client we added them to our demo site, and the blog post about women in construction features highest, yet didn’t appear at all in the three days the other site was live. This site is only partially optimised as not for a real business but it is localised for our Manchester office, so maybe that says very positive things about Manchester attitudes!

All the photographic and video content on this site comes from one or two of our favourite stock libraries and we’ve produced written content that describes the fictitious Manchester house builder well and is supported by industry relevant articles that are meant to be both helpful and informative, information that Google and the other search engines are looking for businesses to create to add value and authority to their content.

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