Video Friendly Sites For Every Sector

A new service from This Video Works to offer strategic marketing advice, SEO and video friendly websites to smaller businesses, based on the code and experience we have from my old programming company which I just closed. We produced international business critical sites but I wanted to get back to filming, editing and producing but it does seem to do that I still need to build websites capable of delivering the benefits of video and video SEO fully for it to work.
Construction site image for construction industry websites from This Video Works

Branding, strategy, marketing, social media, SEO

So based on what we used to do, we can build fast search friendly sites, fast to load and fast to build, highly secure also scalable, and very affordable. The trick is to build beautifully coded sector relevant templates that can be designed to look very different and convey a brand and ethos easily. Unlike our old sites, there won’t be any very special custom coding or hugely complex integrations. These are going to be simple, reliable, powerful and very fast, and they will get businesses found and profitable.

The first covers the construction sector.

So I know how to be build a good, business critical website and host it properly. Most websites are built on templates and they are usually bought with all the required software built in, the web designer then adds more to ensure it meets the clients needs. This can work but it can also cause all sorts of problems with conflicts and ‘bloat’ which slows websites down. As a general rule, programmers start with a blank template (wireframe) that gives the site its structure and then add the software the client actually needs, some of which they probably write themselves to achieve the results they want. This is what we used to do but that can be expensive and time consuming. When a large workforce relies on the site bringing in the sales, that investment is worthwhile but for a smaller business especially one looking to get going, something that is more affordable and up and running in under a month and fully optimised is much more what is called for and that I can deliver.

And if this one looks similar to the design proposed for a current construction company client two blog posts back, it does as built on the same code but they would like a different design and that is no problem, it will look exactly as they want and so as this was spare, it’s become the first demo. And because the underlying code is already built, it isn’t fixed, there is plenty of flexibility but it is unlikely to change hugely between sites, the cost can be very low, lower than most web designers probably charge.

In fairness they are charging for their design skills and we’re building sites that work and enable us to add the video that is going to drive your business, there is no point adding optimised video to a site that won’t deliver any benefit from it, so our objectives are different. Also coming from a research background I know visitors are looking for a site layout they recognise and can easily navigate, rather like a car dashboard, familiarity is key to a good user experience.

As a writer and SEO consultant I’m also going to make sure your content is well written, explains what you do, and connects you to your audience. 

Years of writing marketing material of every sort, producing research, interviewing directors to talk about their businesses, directing photoshoots and commercials, producing huge live events, even casting A list celebrities and sports stars for commercials and sponsorship deals and one world tour for a rock band, does slightly make me a jack of all trades and certainly not the master of everything I’ve been asked to do, but it has also given me a can do attitude so when I find that potential customers web sites aren’t really up to showing video or carrying the code that will ensure they get found, I look for a practical solution to the problem.

I do have a bit of a head start there though, as when in New York as a freelance producer, I got asked to produce a website for a company that supplied tiny parts for aircraft and had an inventory of 250,000 different parts, and they all needed to be at the top of Google. 

Armed with a more than generous budget I took on two Danish programmer friends and we built a rather boring looking site that listed every product in easy to find categories, that Google listed top and importantly above all my client’s competitors. The client, who became a good friend, made an absolute fortune and bought a chain of restaurants in Texas, his dream life.

From that beginning, I built up a programming company aimed at medium sized international  businesses and eventually brought it back to London but recently I’ve been winding it down to concentrate again on filming and editing. And it is what we did with that business that gives me the opportunity to build affordable yet powerful sites that run video and video SEO quickly that ensure our clients get the best from both.

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