Video and customer engagement

In today’s competitive market businesses need to engage effectively with both prospective and existing customers.
Customer engagement marketing - marketing video and post production - Serious Content, Birmingham and London 0121 306 0238

engage effectively with both prospective and existing customers


The use of websites and social media facilitates this engagement and if you can add entertaining content that reflects your business its even better.

Video plays an essential role in this process.

When a prospective customer is attracted to your website you have just a few seconds to connect with them and communicate essential information about your brand. The ultimate aim is to use this preliminary engagement to lead to a conversion, and it is in those crucial first few seconds that video plays such a vital role.

Video is extremely popular amongst both consumers and within b2b. 78% of people say they watch online videos every week. 59% of executives say they would rather watch a video than read text.

And because it serves up complex information in an easy to digest form over 70% of consumers feel that a video explains a product better than images or text.

In addition to their value in establishing engagement, videos will also help you get found.

Video providing good marketing content also represents great value as video is extremely well suited to attracting and promoting engagement with your company.



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