Serious Content used to be my production company in London and Birmingham complete with large studio for filming and recording interviews.
I’ve not fully launched but I’m restarting the filming and scriptwriting and research as This Video Works and planning to work closely with a good friend and scriptwriter/producer in NY on joint projects. The emphasis will be on using video strategically to build and launch businesses and promote events. We both have a strong PR and event background and properly optimised video is the perfect medium to deliver that, everything we will do is driven by what an audience is asking search engines for that should lead to the event or business. We will answer those queries and submit back to the key search engines in the code and manner they request. There’s no trickery to it, just a lot of hard work and to be fair, skills in writing and research, but the search engines are very clear on what we need to provide, and that is what we will do.
But back to Serious Content. In tandem with the above comes a need to host, manage and display video online and that takes a good knowledge of programming and site development. The ability to write and produce content too, and all the associated SEO, doesn’t do any harm either. Serious Content has run throughout the pandemic to look after existing clients principally and now we are able to offer the services more widely as we get This Video Works ready to launch.
Serious Content delivers is aimed at businesses needing technical support, from websites to hosting and maintenance, SEO, content and coding. One of our first projects is to take a huge Magento database and convert to WordPress, no easy task!
Update – This Video Works is now launched and the services that were offered by Serious Content are now part of This Video Works.