Video SEO and editing for self shooters

Thumbnail for a clip about helping self shooters with editing and video Seo from This Video Works London

A short clip about editing self shot clips for clients, I’m happy to work on clips and to advise on how best to shoot and prepare for SEO purposes. I would always include this as part of an ongoing service for clients I film for as well as I can easily help you produce footage for social media and edit for you to save costs but still maintain the goals of a cohesive marketing campaign.

SEO and Database Driven Websites

A boxing ring may seem an unusual visual reference for a web site but I build database driven sites for the specific purpose of getting video, social media and products, services and locations found.

Everything is contained and has power and purpose, and it functions exactly where and how it is meant to.

Filming, Talking to Camera and Interviews

An image of an artist painting to illustrate capturing and creating an image. I film people and also their businesses and am trying to capture an honest, positive reflection of who they are and what they do.

Like an artist painting an image, I’m telling a story, trying to catch a moment. I’m building an honest, positive and hopefully passionate picture of a business and the person, people who run it, why and what connects them to their customers.

Help For Self Shooters

Editing and other post production services for self shooters looking to promote their businesses

I can help you get the most out of your own footage through research, video editing, AI prompted content, even advice on how best to use your phone or camera.

Research is Key to Connection

Library of books to illustrate research prior to filming for video marketing

A library of books to illustrate research prior to filming for video marketing. Realistically most research is done online through search and industry media.

Understanding what specific audiences are looking for from a business and being able to answer those queries in a video and script is key to connection.

My Showreel

Slow motion capture of fountain in the Italian Garden Kensington, London from This Video Works 2022 showreel

My showreel covers from 2019 to the end of 2022, and features work for smaller direct clients and consultants and cover retail, construction and automotive sectors.

Video SEO specialist

Image of pottery on a wheel to illustrate videoSEO in a blog

Close up of hands making pottery on a wheel illustrating the care and attention required to make video SEO perform as required. Care and attention is required, plus a little skill.

Video Gallery

Pretty woman waves at camera. Short clip hand held on new Sony camera on a busy Saturday in Ludlow, a quaint market town on the Welsh border.

Below is a gallery of clips shot for various clients or produced for marketing purposes and gives an overview of what I produce.

They are broken down into my key services, work for clients and finally clips from my blog.

Commissioned to film 3 classic cars being restored

One of three classic cars being filmed over months while they are fully restored

I’ve filmed a number of classic and other sports cars being worked on and this is the first commission in a while.

Three very different classics with opportunities to demonstrate the various skills required to bring them back to perfection.


This clip looks at branding and how video can help smaller businesses and consultancies build a tangible brand that customers will recognise and respond to.

This clip looks at branding and how video can help smaller businesses and consultancies build a tangible brand that customers will recognise and respond to.