Dwell Time

Engaging with your target audience is crucial. Dwell Time – the time a visitor spends on your site – is important in terms of SEO. It’s widely known that a website visitor gives your site between 5-15 seconds to find what they are looking for. They will remain if they find content that is […]
Motion graphics for a programming firm

Motion graphics for my old programming firm Hound Street was my programming and online research firm I started in NY well over ten years ago. It quickly moved to London though we kept mainly US clients for a long time, my programmers were in Portland, Oregon and India. I still do a little coding as […]
When to use an animated gif or a cinemagraph

Brilliant for social media, animated gifs and cinemagraphs are ideal means to convey some fast loading information or just capture the visitor’s imagination.
Christmas in a simple winter wonderland

We’ve put together a few short Christmas clips for clients and this is a good example of how quick and easy it can be to produce.
Time-lapse and stock video

Video captures the imagination It can really drive a promotional message home. There is also a wealth of ‘trickery’ I can add to spice up quite mundane images to bring or create life in a clip. Time-lapse is a great example of this and this is one I’ve used for my programming firm very successfully. […]