March 2024, reboot and the changes we’ve made.

A short clip to talk about why This Video Works is having reboot following a six month break. We needed time to restructure our other business and to outsource more. This has enabled us concentrate full time on This Video Works and we relaunch March 24
A short clip to talk about why This Video Works is having reboot following a six month break. We needed time to restructure our other business and to outsource more. This has enabled us concentrate full time on This Video Works and we relaunch March 24

March 2024, reboot and the changes we’ve made

We’ve just taken a few weeks to restructure the business a little and are now rebooting This Video Works.

Originally we thought the business would be mainly working for London agencies and providing filming, editing and coding for search on well defined projects, it did start that way but we want to focus on something different.

To enable us do this we’ve completed winding down a programming business that had needed to run alongside the filming to support clients over the last few years. We had also expected smaller businesses to want to benefit from data driven search optimisation, vital in getting video found. 

Doing our research and speaking to lots of smaller businesses and consultants, the concerns over the need for coding was the last thing on peoples minds, they worried they wouldn’t know what to say or how to get footage online and what it’s purpose would be. They also felt they would be under pressure to perform.

It’s easy for someone say, “tell your story” but how on earth do you do that? Without the writers, researchers, producers and editors in a large media organisation, just how do you do that? 

We think the answer is find a small, friendly production co with all those skills who have advised major companies and can downsize the project to fit your needs and your business. One who can research and understand your market and can advise you easily on what will work and why. One who can give the time and skill to ensure you perform well and get the correct message out in a professional and appealing manner.

We can guide you on how to tell your story, and make sure that story is the one your customers and potential customers are asking to hear. We can make sure it also presents you with integrity and enables trust develop easily, people buy from people and want to feel a connection with a business and we can make that happen. And yes, we can still use code to tell the search engines and social media all about it, just as they ask us to, so that they are on the case too.

And this is what we will be focusing on going forward.


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