SEO and Database Driven Websites

A boxing ring may seem an unusual visual reference for a web site but I build database driven sites for the specific purpose of getting video, social media and products, services and locations found.
Everything is contained and has power and purpose, and it functions exactly where and how it is meant to.
Additional Services

Additional services There is so much more than just shooting and editing video to make sure it works for the client so I thought I’d list some of the services I can offer to help. Some are very much related to producing good video and include licensing and content, and are core to what I […]
Coding and Project Management

Coding and Project Management We can help with project management and procurement of high end coding as part of a wider project. I have run a programming company in the past that came out of filming and research. I know how tough it can be to find the right people but because of the high […]
Custom Gutenberg Blocks project

Website built with custom Guttenberg blocks and SASS for technical SEO and video headers by Serious Content, London
Technical SEO – what is involved?

Image of sifting flour, demonstrating on a blog how technical SEO clears obstructions to fast sites and video, from Serious Content, London
Dwell Time

Engaging with your target audience is crucial. Dwell Time – the time a visitor spends on your site – is important in terms of SEO. It’s widely known that a website visitor gives your site between 5-15 seconds to find what they are looking for. They will remain if they find content that is […]