Why YouTube is so good for Video SEO

Video thumbnail for a marketing animation for a digital marketing company, created, compiled and edited by Serious Content, London

Below is a post about why YouTube is such a powerhouse for video SEO. Check out the blog for all the details, but in this short video, I break down one reason why I’m not a huge fan of relying on viral Instagram Reels to build a business.

A Reel might get some views, but it’s unlikely to lead to lasting results or generate significant sales. I believe in targeting people who are actively searching for information – that’s where YouTube and website video truly shine.

Short-form video definitely has its place, but if you’re on a budget, I’d rather help you create DIY content that delivers long-term value. And if you’re looking for a professional social media campaign, let’s talk! One-off viral videos are rarely the answer.

In the world of digital marketing, video content has emerged as a dominant force, capturing audience attention and driving engagement like no other medium but achieve that on a web site it is crucial to add video SEO which few developers seem to do.

It seems much easier to produce short form video for TikTok and Instagram but while they can get a great number of views, the information is quickly forgotten as the viewer moves to the next video and so on.

But there is an alternative when it comes to video SEO, there’s one platform that stands head and shoulders above the rest: YouTube.

We would always recommend running fully optimised video on your as well as they work together superbly but if you can’t get your site video optimised (we can always help) and you’re looking to maximise your video’s visibility and reach a wider audience, we’d strongly recommend YouTube for your video SEO strategy, add other social media, and where appropriate LinkedIn too, into the mix but YouTube is probably your best bet to find genuine potential customers. We’ve listed below a few reasons why :

1. The Second Largest Search Engine

YouTube isn’t just a video-sharing platform; it’s the second-largest search engine in the world, right after Google. With billions of searches happening every day, it’s a huge resource of potential viewers actively seeking content like yours.

2. Increased Visibility on Google

Google often features YouTube videos in its search results, especially for how-to guides, product reviews, and other informational content. By optimising your YouTube videos for SEO, you increase your chances of appearing on both YouTube and Google, doubling your potential reach.

3. Longer Engagement Time

Videos generally keep viewers engaged for longer periods than text-based content. This increased dwell time signals to search engines that your content is valuable, boosting your rankings. Short form video has it’s place for maintaining a brands presence but the hard lifting is done by longer, more informative videos.

4. Enhanced Brand Awareness

YouTube provides a platform to showcase your brand personality and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Consistent branding and engaging videos can foster loyalty and recognition, strengthening your overall brand presence.

5. Targeted Advertising

YouTube’s powerful advertising platform allows you to reach specific demographics and interests, ensuring your videos are seen by the people most likely to convert into customers.

6. Measurable Results

YouTube Analytics offers in-depth insights into your video performance, including views, watch time, audience demographics, and more. This data allows you to track progress and fine-tune your SEO strategy for maximum impact.

7. Mobile-First Indexing

Google predominantly uses the mobile version of a website’s content for indexing and ranking. With YouTube’s mobile-friendly interface, your videos are primed for optimal performance on mobile devices, where most searches now occur.

8. Community Building

YouTube’s comment section and social features enable you to foster a community around your brand. Engage with viewers, answer questions, and build relationships that can lead to long-term loyalty.

In conclusion

YouTube isn’t just a platform for sharing videos; it’s a powerful tool for boosting your online visibility and connecting with your audience. By implementing effective video SEO strategies on YouTube, you can maximise your reach, engage viewers, and achieve your marketing goals.

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