Single Page Site For A Manchester Baker

This is a single page website demo for a Manchester baker including video, again a demo from This Video Works to give another example of what we can do.
Demo Site For A London Psychotherapist

Demo website featuring video headers for psychotherapists, and therapists or consultants in wellness and healthcare.
The image below features a model representing the psychotherapist in the site and clips and the clip below is one of the headers covering couple therapy.
Video about Botox and the pros and cons

The science behind Botulinum Toxin and who it benefits and at what age
Four videos added to True Self Liberation (updated)

new interview clips describing therapeutic Life Coaching We’ve added four interview clips talking about Willow’s Therapeutic life Coaching, an online service to help clients in the UK and US work through and understand issues in their life. The interview above explains how she uses metaphors to simplify the experience and guide her clients through the […]
Marketing and Monetising Video

monetising video We can build sites, funnels and shoot and edit to monetise video. We understand the process of marketing and can help work with your marketing team to achieve great results, or connect you to ones we know and trust. If you are looking to monetise your video, please get in touch. You […]
Schema for the healthcare industry, gyms, trainers and practitioners

Schema for fitness and healthcare The strongest area of business for Schema to help promote a business is healthcare which includes not only the medical industry, but also all the other aspects of healthcare including fitness and alternative therapies. Schema is looking to include all the symptoms and ailments one might be searching […]
Explaining researching and writing scripts, Schema, Video SEO and how we get you found in a little more detail.

Explaining Video SEO This is just over ten minutes of the basics of what we do and why it works. In essence, we research what you do, we look at who is looking for your products or services, and why. We look at your competition and the wider market and what is happening on a […]
Expanding video to communicate better

Shorter clip of explaining Video SEO This is aimed primarily at the medical industry and education, however, the subject of this clip is relevant to many businesses, especially any where you are looking to engage the customer to share information that will help you provide a quote or recommend a course of action. It is […]