Winter wedding and office party promo

quick video promo for Gabucci for winter weddings and smart Christmas party wear

We produced a very quick and simple clip for Gabucci to run close to Christmas reminding customers that we provide all the menswear required for the male guests at a winter wedding, and the dress for smart Christmas parties too.

The Museum of Mistranslations

Tokyo pop up museum of mistranslations courtesy Duolingo

A big part of what I do as a researcher and scriptwriter and indeed as a coder specialising in SEO, is check we’ve got the details correct and make sure everything we do makes the path to your getting found as easy as possible. When I first started interviewing and then filming, it was often […]

A motorcycle with a story

custom tribsa motorcycle to illustrate the power of a good story, image courtesy BIKEEXIF

One of my passions outside of filming is classic and custom motorcycles and usually the story of the build is fascinating and the detail and work quite enthralling. But in an article in BikeEXIF this week, the builder takes it one step further and I think it is something that bears a great deal of […]

Take the Pink Train in Takachiho

Take the Pink Train in Takachiho

A nice environmentally friendly story from Japan about a very colourful train. Having had to turn round on a trip to London last week, as I got a notification tubes may not be running later, and spending over two hours queuing into Bath this morning, I thought I’d put this up for other poor souls […]

20 videos and a new site in NY

screenshot from a clip about perceptions of failure for a coaching client, image courtesy motion array

The headline is sightly misleading but factually fairly correct. We have just shot over twenty video clips for a new client and are building him a web site to showcase them and what he does.  What’s most interesting is how the clips can be used and reused over time.   This is a joint project […]

Producing fabric in Italy

Italian cloth for suits for Gabucci featured in video about Gabucci cloth

Explaining Gabucci cloth Gabucci’s cloth for suits and shirts is specified, the wool comes from England, Scotland or Italy and is then produced in Italian mills before being made into suits and shirts, usually in Germany or Holland, before coming back to the store. The clip below explains this and the commitment to quality and […]

New autumn stock Gabucci

Claudio Lugli shirt at Gabucci Bath featured in Autumn 2022 season video

First of a set of new videos for Gabucci added to their site We’re just in the process of uploading and coding new season clips for Gabucci and uploading around 150 new products.  We’ve also shot all the photography and will be adding the SEO code via the database for speed and efficiency. This proved […]

Recent websites

J A Burke Construction website and video

A few examples of our work It’s probably not too surprising that prospective new clients are also considering how their current website performs, when they think of adding video. We have just started to market the services we offer and everyone so far considering video is also considering either a new site or work on […]

Jazz week in Bath and Brum ..

Image of tapping shoes for Jazz Week on Gabucci blog and Instagram

I started writing a weekly post for Gabucci on music events and comedy etc around Bath a month ago, and it’s getting lots of likes and customers seem to enjoy and appreciate it. Sometimes I link to products for sale subtly and sometimes less so but what really seems to matter is connecting to the […]

Additional Services

Screenshot additional services video

Additional services There is so much more than just shooting and editing video to make sure it works for the client so I thought I’d list some of the services I can offer to help. Some are very much related to producing good video and include licensing and content, and are core to what I […]

TikTok announce bigger, much bigger video description

Image of girl to illustrate TikTok providing more space for descriptions

TikTok enables better search TikTok has expanded its post description field from 300 characters to 2,200 which enables us to talk about the clip and what business it relates to and where it is, and to get it found. The TikTok algorithm, as on the Chinese version, is really adept at linking younger audiences with […]

The 80/20 rule and how we apply it

Screen shot from a video clip about the Pareto Principle showing an Italian road lined with cyprus trees

The 80/20 Rule and how we apply it 80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort The Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule, states that for many phenomena 80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort. The principle has been named after Vilfredo Pareto—an Italian economist—who, back in 1895, noticed that […]

Making music

rock band performing courtesy pexels

This Video Works with a good friend and producer in Connecticut, just north east of NY, on occasional joint projects.  We have a shared background in the music industry and of producing live events. We also both script and have extensive research experience. Nancy started in radio as a writer and moved into production and […]

Introduction to our services, video produced to be found.

Screenshot from main intro video explaining how This Video Works gets footage found online

The above video is a compilation of the five clips that explain what we do in terms of getting the videos we produce, found. The first is on our home page. We use a combination of good research, to understand your business and ideal customers, a good script to connect the content to the searches […]

How and why we use Search Listening

Screenshot from main intro video explaining how This Video Works uses search listening

The second part of our introduction to how we create videos to connect you to your audience, covers Search Listening. By analysing thousands of relevant search queries, we are able to guage which are the key queries that should lead a visitor to your site, and we use this information to help us write answers […]